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Marriage (Part 15) - ASDR Part 4 (Divorce - Part 2)

Sexual Immorality and Adultery--What is it? The New Testament describes three circumstances where a marriage is either not recognized or dissolved. Under such circumstances, annulment or divorce and subsequent marriage or remarriage are permissible without transgressing God’s law of the 7th Commandment, "You shall not commit adultery." These...

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Take This Yoke

The Bible uses the word “yoke” many times. Some uses are very positive, but some are quite negative. Since everyone is under the yoke we must ask, who holds the reins of your yoke?

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Marriage (Part 14) - ASDR Part 3 (Divorce - Part 1)

We must acknowledge that while Satan is the initiator of failed marriages because he is the father of sin, we as individuals, as husband or wife, or husband and wife, are not only responsible for the success of our marriage, but we, as humans, are major contributors to the failure...

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60 Years Teaching the Way of God

On August 17, 2024 the Miami Church celebrated its 60th Anniversary. Mr. David Jackson gave the Sermon titled "60 Years Teaching the Way of God".

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The Greatest Love Story

Why were you born? Mr. Armstrong often asked that question. Buried inside the answer to that question is the greatest of love stories. But it is a true love story, a story of sacrifice and struggle, an epic tale of good vs. evil. This story is 100% true.

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Pray Always and Do Not Lose Heart (Part 3)

Living life where Satan is temporarily the god of this world means that praying and not losing heart is often very difficult. The parable of the window and the judge in Luke 18:1-8 helps us to focus on what we must do, which is to pray and never on what...

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Pray Always and Do Not Lose Heart (Part 2)

There are insights into praying that have been lost in the translation from Greek and Hebrew to English. Praying with the "tension of the will" and praying about your prayers are two examples. James tells us that "Elijah had a nature like ours," and studying his life provides us with...

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The Substance of Things Hoped For

Faith is obviously one of the central tenets of Christianity, but how would we define faith? Is our definition God’s definition? God’s amazing interventions can encourage faith, but how do we have genuine faith during those times when God is silent? Or when His answer is...

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Are We Staying In Tune With God?

Are We Staying In Tune With God?

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America at a Crossroads

God has blessed America with many bountiful blessings. Sadly, our nation has turned its back on God and now it is in decline. Why is this happening, and what is the future of our country?

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