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The Seven Elements of the Family Zone

“The zone” was a term we once used to describe the environment we wanted to create for our kids at camp. It created a prime atmosphere for them to be responsive to God’s teaching and way of life. But it’s not just for camp...

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Pray Always and Do Not Lose Heart (Part 1)

Pray Always and Do Not Lose Heart.

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Are We Ripe for the Harvest?

Are We Ripe for the Harvest?

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Jehoshaphat and the Spirit of God - Part 2

The life of Jehoshaphat, King of Judah, is a testament to the truth that we, as the children of God, good people, do make poor decisions—and can even make a fatal decision if we do not yield to the urging of God’s Holy Spirit! Through the...

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Jehoshaphat and the Spirit of God - Part 1

Like Jehoshaphat, our lives are a series of events and circumstances challenging our obedience and disobedience, pressing on our faithfulness and faithlessness in God. We are successful at times, and at other times we fail. God provides His Holy Spirit to us not just as His power when we need...

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The Fear of God: What You Need to Know

Scripture repeatedly tells us we are to fear God, but what does that mean? How can we fear God and love God at the same time? And how would the proper fear of God affect the way we live? Finally, why does God instruct us to fear Him for our...

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Acres of Diamond

We preach the gospel to the world, but what are we doing to develop our young people who sit among us each and every Sabbath? The classic story “Acres of Diamonds” presents this case very well. The story expresses how often we look outside for diamonds without realizing...

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The Truth Heals

As we examine ourselves to prepare for the Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread, one of our greatest challenges is to see the truth about ourselves. Each of us has a relationship with truth, and a healthy relationship helps us heal spiritually.

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Filled With The Holy Spirit

Acts 2:4 "And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit…" There are eight places in Scripture, including Acts 2:4, where the phrase “filled with the Holy Spirit” is used, and there is a ninth occurrence where the Holy Spirit obviously filled and enveloped the individual. Let us consider...

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With One Accord

Acts 2:1 (NKJV),  "When the Day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all with one accord in one place." The phrase “with one accord” in Greek is Homothymadon (Ho-Mo-Thee-Ma-Don), which is most interesting because it translates as “with one mind, or one heart, or one soul....

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